
New paper corrects two widely held perceptions in regulatory community

AMERICA’S POWER PLAN: This paper corrects two widely held notions in the regulatory community: that the utility’s rate of return is the sole value driver for utility shareholders and that rates of return are set at the cost of equity. Neither of these perceptions is correct. Instead, the financial “value engine”—the difference between a utility’s return on investment and its cost of capital—drives shareholder returns. The authors argue that regulators should use this value engine to align utilities’ financial motivations with delivering value to customers and society. They can offer utilities opportunities to earn increased revenues when they provide value-based products and services. June 2015


AWEA Colorado Wind Forum – October 1, 2014

With more than 2,300 MW of installed wind capacity, Colorado is on the forefront of wind energy expansion – making it an ideal location for AWEA’s series of state-level wind forums. Join us and your wind industry peers at the AWEA State Wind Energy Forum – Colorado. Commit just one day and acquire the most relevant, current, pivotal information related to Colorado’s wind energy landscape.


America’s Power Plan

More than 150 top energy experts have joined America’s Power Plan, a project designed to tackle the tough questions and propose a path to overcoming regulatory, legal and economic barriers to a cleaner more efficient energy future. Together, these papers provide a policy toolbox to guide decision makers on utility business models, finance, market design, transmission and distribution policies, distributed energy resource integration and siting.
