WCEA encourages Colorado Governor Hickenlooper to sign S252

WGG joins advocate organizations from throughout the west urging Governor Hickenlooper to sign Senate Bill 252 which increases renewable energy requirements on co-ops in Colorado.

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For more information, contact Jennifer Dickson at The Wilderness Society

May 22, 2013

The Honorable John W. Hickenlooper 136 State Capitol
Denver, CO 80203-1792

Dear Governor Hickenlooper:

As members of the Western Clean Energy Advocates (WCEA), we are writing to encourage you to sign SB 252. WCEA is a diverse and growing coalition working to transform the way we produce, use, and distribute energy across the West. WCEA aims to create jobs, protect the West’s water, wildlife, and ecosystems, address climate change, and enhance energy security.

SB 252 builds on your administration’s job creation efforts and the state’s long history as a clean energy leader. Over 10,000 Coloradans are employed by the renewable energy industry, and more of these good-paying jobs will come if you sign SB 252. Colorado has an abundance of energy sources, and SB 252 continues the state’s leading role in developing an “all of the above” energy portfolio that includes a balance of renewable and other resources. The bill expands access to solar, wind, and other clean energy for rural Colorado, while ensuring that consumers are protected.

Signing this legislation also provides an important signal that Western states are committed to building on the shared successes of recent renewable energy development. By signing this bill, you and Colorado will help lead the nation into the coming clean energy economy.

Expanding renewable energy in Colorado has important associated environmental benefits. Wind power is already helping to reduce climate pollution in Colorado by 3.5 million metric tons annually, and SB 252 will lead to even greater savings. In addition, solar photovoltaic (PV) and wind technology uses less water than any other energy source, a critical attribute in our water-scarce region.

Critics of the legislation argue that it would be too difficult to build the transmission necessary for implementing new renewable energy standards. However, Tri-State Generation and Transmission is already deep into the planning and development stages of four new lines that could accommodate new renewable energy projects in the timeframe necessary to meet SB 252’s standards.

In summary, SB 252 is good for Colorado’s economy and environment, and we urge you to sign it without delay. Thank you and we look forward to the enactment of SB 252.


V. John White
Executive Director
Center for Energy Efficiency and Renewable Technology

Sarah Propst
Executive Director 
Interwest Energy Alliance

Bill Appel
WCEA Representative
Islands Energy Coalition

Carl Zichella
Director of Western Renewable Transmission
Natural Resources Defense Council

Nancy Hirsh
Policy Director
NW Energy Coalition

Rachel Shimshak
Executive Director
Renewable Northwest Project

Pam Eaton
Senior Advisory
The Wilderness Society

Rick Gilliam
Director of Research
Vote Solar

Amanda Ormond
Managing Director
Western Grid Group

John Nielsen
Energy Program Director
Western Resource Advocates