WGG Comments to the AZ Corporation Commission on Interconnection

Western Grid Group (WGG) submitted comments to the Arizona Corporation Commission’s on its effort to update and adopt rules related to the interconnection of distributed generation facilities. Comments were submitted July 24, 2015.
WGG supports Rule 21, Part 1 with its 7 setting specifications.
You can read or download comments here.


IEEE publishes Collaborative Transmission Planning: California’s RETI paper by David Olsen

RETI (Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative) identified and ranked Renewable Energy Zones
in California and neighboring regions, using both economic and
environmental criteria, determined the transmission needed,
based on least-regrets transmission planning principles, to access
and deliver target renewable energy, and prepared a statewide
conceptual transmission plan. RETI has been effective in identifying
development priorities and in building stakeholder support
for generation-transmission development for renewable energy.
Its approach is applicable to other jurisdictions considering
large-scale wind power-transmission construction.


Energy Foundation Releases New Video

This video introduces you to the people who run the electricity grid, the network of power plants and power lines that keep the lights on. It takes you inside the control center for the largest power system in the world and lets utility experts explain how the variability of wind and solar generation can be managed using existing tools and techniques.


Collaborative Transmission Planning: California’s Renewable Energy Transmission Initiative

California’s RETI collaborative set a high standard for aligning electricity generation and transmission with environmental values. This peer-reviewed article, in the July 2102 issue of IEEE Transactions on Sustainable Energy, provides an overview of the rationale for both stakeholder involvement in transmission planning and for zone development of renewables.
